4th Annual Stonington Lobster Trap Tree
on display from November 23, 2024 - Sunday, January 5, 2025
Individual Buoy Sponsorships are Sold Out for 2024!
Enjoy taking photos for your personal use! No photographs may be used for commercial use.
Copyright 2024 Ocean Community Chamber of Commerce. All Rights Reserved
Please respect the art made by children and professional artists. The Stonington Lobster Trap Tree is first and foremost a fine art exhibit. Consider it an outdoor museum. As such, we require that you refrain from touching any of the buoys. While it is only natural to want to see the amazing work on the reverse side of the buoys, the metal traps can scratch the art when buoys are turned. Instead we encourage you to utilize this website to view photos of both sides of each buoy. It is your responsibility to insure that pets and children are far enough away from the buoys, traps and lights so that they do not touch them. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Lobster Trap Tree Hours:
Exhibit will be opening Saturday, November 23rd @ 4:30PM
The Stonington Lobster Trap Tree opens at dawn. The Tree will be lit every night between 4:30 - 9:30 PM until January 5, 2025. Tree will be lit from 4:30 - 6 PM on January 5, 2025.
Inclement Weather - The tree is open when it's raining but volunteer tree docents will not be on site to take pictures during inclement weather. If there is a snow storm, we reserve the right to close off the entrance to the tree as a precaution due to the weight of the snow on the structure. Any closures would be posted on the Stonington Lobster Trap Tree Facebook page.

Parking Options in Stonington Borough:
Stonington Town Fisherman Docks, 1 High Street, Stonington.
Street Parking - please take note of all parking signs and regulations as to not get ticketed or towed.
192 Water Street, Stonington Borough - courtesy of Joe Gilbert
194 Water Street, Stonington Borough - courtesy of Dodson Boat Yard
The Point - beyond the light house.
Lobster Trap Tree 2024 Buoy Facts:
The tree is made up of 460 Lobster Traps
The tree features 460 Buoys Total:
211 Sponsor buoys
162 artist buoys available for auction
40 created by Stonington children
23 devoted to the commercial fishermen
28 sponsored by community members
10 memorial buoys
7 wedding buoys
Marriage Proposals that took place in the Tree:
2023 - 9 proposals
2022 - 6 proposals
2021 - 3 proposals
Some of the Expenses for the 2024
Lobster Trap Tree:
$19,200 Paid to artists to paint sponsor and fisherman buoys
$9,500 for 460 buoys
$4,900 Website Development/updates & Auction Website
$800 New Lobster Sign
$4,600 for 460 individual Facebook posts featuring buoys.
$600 for 4 new lobster traps
$2,400 for Night of Lighting Shuttle
$1,880 Mileage: Delivering and picking up buoys
$2,000 Tree Copyright
$1,910 for electrical tie wraps
$2,100 Signage/Brochures
$1,400 Artists Reception
$1,100 Thank you event for major sponsors
$700 Commissioned art for puzzle
$600 Traffic Control for 11/23/24
$600 Paper & ink for artist instructions/info design print outs
$432 replacement lights
$365 Meals/Beverages for volunteers at tree set-up
$325 for storage totes
TBD Pine Shavings
$310 Certificates of Authenticity
$230 Paints/brushes/supplies for children's workshops
$200 Candy Canes for Lighting NIght
$150 hand warmers for volunteers
$80 Buoy Display carousels
$80 Costume Dry cleaning
$80 Wire cutters
This year's tree is dedicated in loving memory of Daniel Crotty.
September 23, 1963 - October 2, 2024. Daniel Crotty Sr. was an incredible man who generously supported the Stonington Lobster Trap Tree since its inception. For the first 3 years he lovingly clear coated all of the buoys at no charge at his auto body repair shop in Charlestown RI, Crotty and Sons Bodyworks. This required him shutting down his business for 2 days and setting up an elaborate rack system that he designed to spin the buoys and thorough cover them with a commercial grade UV protectant. Dan had a deep appreciation for the artwork and truly admired the time and talent that went into creating every buoy. The world lost a great human when he passed away at home, at age 61, surrounded by his loving family. The Stonington Lobster Trap Tree committee will never forget Dan’s kindness and his significant contribution of services valued at over $13,000 annually. Please keep Dan’s family in your prayers.


The architectural masterpiece will be situated on a grassy area at the Stonington town dock, paying homage to the town’s renowned fishing industry. A visit to the Stonington Lobster Trap tree is a magical experience and provides unique photo opportunities. Whether you view this spectacle during the day or at night, the beautiful landmark provides an eclectic buoy exhibit that is a flawless balance between stunning professionally painted works and those created by local children.
Learn more about our other amazing project!


1 High Street, Stonington, CT 06379

1 Chamber Way, Westerly, RI 02891
info@oceanchamber.org Tel: 401-596-7761