See the beautiful, custom sponsor buoys at the bottom of this page!
The Ocean Community Chamber of Commerce is the lead organization producing the Stonington Lobster Trap Tree, but as the saying goes, “it takes a village.” We have many people and businesses who support our efforts. The OCCC has invested significant time and funds to establish the project, identify and invite artists to participate, deliver/pick up buoys around the 2 state region, communicate with sponsors, apply for permits, develop this website, orchestrate a media campaign, host committee meetings and serve as the fiduciary agent to purchase lobster traps, buoys, lights, tie-wraps, etc. The OCCC is grateful to the many individuals, businesses and organizations that share our enthusiasm for the project, and especially to those whom made a financial contribution. Without them, it would just be a dream! Once the tree comes down, sponsors get to keep their buoy. To show appreciation for their community spirit and generosity, we ask that you please support them with your patronage.
Buoy Sponsorship - Each year we start accepting buoy sponsorships February 1st from members of the Ocean Community Chamber of Commerce. That cost is $235 for chamber members and includes the purchase of the buoy, paying a professional artist to paint what the sponsor wants on it, getting it clear coated by an auto company, promoting it in our website and dedicating a Facebook post to the sponsor’s buoy and business. The sponsor then gets to keep the buoy when the tree comes down. On April 1st we open up sponsorship to members of the general public ($200) and to businesses that are not our chamber members ($375). This year (2024), the project sold out on April 1st.
Buoy Sponsorships are SOLD OUT for 2024


Submarine Force Library
& Museum Association
13th Hour Distilling, LLC
Abigail Hinman Chapter NSDAR, Inc.
AMTEC Corporation
Anthony J's Bistro
Asuscena Colon
Beauty by Mineko
Bella Vita Salon
Beth Chapin
Beth Gillen
Bouvier Insurance
Breezeway Resort
Brian Busconi
Broadview Garden Center
Brown Group Realty
Budget Blinds of Westerly
C.C. O'Brien's
Cardinal Honda
Carole Nossek
Casa Della Luce
Central Baptist Church
Chelsea Groton Bank
Chris Hodges
Christine Spanbauer
Coastal Eye Associates
CorePlus Federal Credit Union
Crotty & Sons Body Works
Curran Construction
Dan Strasshofer
Dante Society of Westerly
David Vargas
Dawson Entertainment
Deans Mill Street School
Deja Vu Consignment Room
Densmore Oil Company
Dime Bank
Dockside Electronics Service, LLC
Donna Allyn
Dragonfly Equestrian Center
Duncklee Cooling and Heating, Inc.
Everett Blanchard
Fleming's Feed & Hardware
Floor Coverings International Southern RI
Frank Olean Center
Friends of SUFA
Girls on the Run
Go Fish Restaurant
Granite Theatre
Grey Sail Brewing of Rhode Island
Groton Elks Lodge #2163
Hartford HealthCare
Haversham Tavern
Holdridge Home and Garden
Hometown Furniture
Hotel Maria
Indulge Coffee & Sandwich
Inn at Mystic
Inn at Stonington
Jackie Bunovsky
Jennifer Olson
Jessica Hayes
Jewett City Savings Bank
Joanna Valentini
John Connelly
Jonnycake Center of Westerly
Josh Piver Memorial Scholarship
Joyce Meehan
Katie Mikkelsen
Katie Quinlan
Kerri Mulligan
Kim Cardinal
Kristine Lindgren
La Grua Center
Lathrop Insurance
Lauren Lee
Le Spa
Lee Ann Kozora
Linda Panciera
Lucky House Restaurant
Lyman Allyn Art Museum
Main Street Soap Emporium
Mandie Lee Photography
Margin Street Inn
Maria Hart
Maria Pucci
Maria's Seaside Cafe
Masonicare at Mystic
Mason's Island Marina
Maureen O'Neill
Mechanic Street Marina
Mel's Downtown Creamery
Miceli’s Furniture
Michele Lavoie
Misquamicut Sandwich Company
Molly Bennett
Mystic Accounting Group, LLP
Mystic & Noank Library
Mystic Boat Adventure
Mystic Cycle Centre
Mystic Knotwork
Mystic KOA
Mystic Shower Door
Mystic Transportation, LTD
Navigant Credit Union
New England Science and Sailing
New Heights, Vista Life Innovations
Noah's Restaurant
Nora Brine
Norleen Ponte
Norwest Marine
Olympia Tea Room
OMO Jewels & Gifts
Paddy's Beach Club
Pamela Villari
Paul & Robin Geise
Pawcatuck Roofing Co.
Pine Point School
Pine Point Evergreen
Pleasant Acres Nursery
Pooch's Pour House
Precious Memories Place
Printing Plus
Professional Planning Group
Quinlan Enterprises
Ray of Hope - End the Stigma and Shame of Addiction
Remy’s Cycle
Rio’s Barber Shop
Rising Tide Nutrition
Royal Westerly
Sandra Lambert-Garrity
Scientific Alloys Inc.
Sea Village Condos
ServiceMaster By Mason
ServPro Team Luzzi
Ship Shape Shop
Shoreline Disposal LCC
Shoreline Lawn Sprinklers
Shoreline Painting
Shoreline Sanitation
SNS Electric
SPS Transition at the Annex
Steven Dodd
Stonington Borough Fire Dept.
Stonington COMO
Stonington Free Library
Stonington Garden Club
Stonington Gardens LLC.
Stonington Harbor Management
Stonington Harbor Yacht Club
Stonington High School
Stonington Kelp Company
Stonington Middle School
Stonington Police Dept.
Stonington Power
Stonington Veterinary Hospital
Stonington Village Improvement Association
Stonington Vineyards
Submarine Force Library and Museum
Suzanne Costa
Thavenet Machine Co.
The Andrea Seaside Restaurant & Beach Bar
The Nature Conservancy in CT
Thomas Geroulo
Tom Fabian
Town of Stonington
Tracee Adams
TreeTrail Adventures Mystic
Valenti Family of Dealerships
Valenti Subaru
Valomie Boutique LLC.
Verizon Authorized Retailer Wireless Zone
Vetrano’s Ristorante & Pizzeria
Washington Trust
Watch Hill Catering
Wendy McDevitt
West Vine Street School
Westerly Napa Auto Parts
Westerly Community Credit Union
Westerly Dental Group
Westerly Education Center
Westerly Hospital
Westerly Paints
Westerly Rehab & Healthcare
Whitecrest Eatery
Windjammer Surf Bar
Winnapaug Country Club
Wood River Health
Zoe & Co. Professional Bra Fitters
Town of Stonington Selectmen
Town of Stonington Department of Public Works
Stonington Borough Merchants Association
Stonington Waterfront Commission
Stonington Harbor Management Commission
Stonington Village Improvement Association
Ritacco Electric
La Grua Center
Stonington COMO
Southern New England Fisherman and Lobsterman's Association
Crotty & Sons Auto Body
Thavenet Machine Co., Inc.